We have a feeling that 2023 is going to be our best year yet and we hope you feel that way too! We have been working on our resolutions and thinking about what it takes to make worth-while and reachable goals. If one of your resolutions this year is to find love, look no further! We are here to help you reach that goal… New year’s resolutions may seem silly and it is true that many people don’t make it past January before giving up, BUT, we do think that making goals and working towards them is super important, especially when it comes to your love life! These days it is so easy for professional men and women to put love on the back burner and make the excuse that they are too busy to go out and meet new people. We are here to tell you that finding love doesn’t have to be this huge, time-consuming commitment. Make your goals realistic! If you really want to reach any goal, you have to make it a priority and commit to your goals. Finding love shouldn’t feel like a job – it should always be fun! But if you treat your love life with the same level of priority as your job, you will certainly gain some great experience and come closer to finding “the one!” Trying something new is always scary, but this year say YES to the things that scare you, especially when it comes to dating. Taking those first steps are the hardest, but once you complete them, things only get easier from there! Here are some small tips on how to stick with your 2023 New Year’s Resolution to PUT LOVE FIRST!... Even if it means just making an online profile (SO easy and takes less than 10 minutes!!) and actively using your preferred online dating venue for even just a couple minutes every week. While are you having a “Netflix and Chill” session on Sunday nights promise yourself that you will swipe for even just ten minutes and commit to saying “yes” to at least one potential match! Maybe in 2019 your goal is to go on one date per month. No need to overwhelm yourself with saying yes to multiple dates per week, ease into it slowly! Everyone has time for one date per month! Remember that dates don’t always have to be several hours long and dinner and drinks each time. Perhaps you SAY YES to signing up for a matchmaking service, or to that friend who is always trying to set you up with someone they know! You never know what might happen if you say yes to something that seems scary, crazy and out of your comfort zone We can’t wait to make 2023 an amazing year bringing love to more people’s lives! May 2023 be YOUR year of LOVE :)
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January 2025